Sunday, July 28, 2013

Traveling with MS

This is my very first trip traveling with my least favorite travel companion--shots and medications for Multiple Sclerosis.  Take a look at what my carry-on bag consists of:

Along with my daily shots and ridiculous amount of medication, I have cooling bandannas and letters from my doctor explaining that I can travel with all of these shots and meds.  A couple weeks ago, I had my steroid infusions, which give me a lot of strength.  I feel like superwoman for a few days after I get those!  MS is definitely an added stress for someone who plans to travel the world.  But once again, it is all worth it.  No matter what, another travel tip is to do research about where you are traveling, and make sure you pack everything to meet your health needs.  Now I just have some extra baggage.  The good thing is that on the trip home, I won't have to worry about bringing these things back because they will be gone! 
I am prepared to take extra precautions this summer to make sure I am a healthy girl in India!  I will be posting one more time before I leave, but as always, thank you for reading!

Lessons Learned

Well folks, I am beyond thrilled to announce that we ARE going to India, and we are leaving this TOMORROW! 
I can't believe I actually get to type those words because of everything that has gone wrong in the planning process.
I learned a couple lessons while planning this trip:
1. Get your visas before you book plane tickets.
When I went to Kenya, we got our visas as we entered the country.  This is how I assumed most places where.  THIS IS NOT THE CASE! We went to hell and back trying to get our visas processed with the most frustrating company in the world. Literally...the world. I can't blame it all on them, because it was our fault completely, but the whole situation was just an absolute disaster.  Finally (and after we ultimately decided to postpone our trip), the visas arrived.  So we quickly rescheduled (despite some terribly unfortunate airline fees), and we are on track again!
2. Go for your traveling dreams, no matter what.  Don't let anything stop you!
The visas were a huge obstacle.  Then we were unsure if we could delay the trip because of school schedules.  Then we had to clear everything up with work to make sure it was still okay to go.  Then I got a terrible infection, and was worried I would have to cancel the trip.  But I realized that nothing could stop me from getting on that plane tomorrow.  Traveling and adventure and the learning that happens from those things are essential!  I am so incredibly excited.  For the past few years I have lived my life based on a Swahili proverb: "Baada ya dhiki faraja."  Translated, it means "After hardship comes relief."  I truly believe this.  Sometimes, it feels as if life gives so many unbelievably difficult trials that it is impossible to overcome them.  But strength comes.  Resiliency is beautiful.  
I am all packed.
I am fighting off this infection.
I am excited.
I am thrilled to be traveling with my very best friend.
I am ready for this adventure!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hello, World...

As new chapters in life seem to constantly begin, so comes the time for new blog beginnings.  I would like to start with an introduction to this blog, and an introduction to me.
My name is Ashley Earp.  For the past few years, I have enjoyed venting and opening up to a small community of mostly my mother and best friends on my former blog, Living the Dream.
As I enter my 20's and turn pages in my life story, it is time for me to create a more sophisticated, more consistent blog.

The Story Behind "Wandering the World (With MS)"
"Not all those who wander are lost." -J.R.R. Tolkien
I have a passion for traveling, and plan to make it a life-long regularity.  I thrive on adventure, service, and diversity.  In 2011, I had the privilege of traveling to Kenya on a humanitarian trip.  I plan to share some of those memories on this blog, while I document new stories of far-off travels.  In less than a week, I will be traveling to India for another humanitarian trip.  Words can not describe my excitement and anticipation, although I will try to articulate the indescribable feelings as much as possible.  The point is, there is beauty in travel.  It is not only a hobby, but a passion.  I plan to document all of my wanderings on this magical destination at a time.
"The secret of learning to be sick is this: Illness doesn't make you less of what you were. You are still you." -Tony Snow
One thing that adds some barriers, struggles, strengths, and unpredictabilities to my life wanderings is Multiple Sclerosis.  After numerous hospitalizations, I was diagnosed with this chronic autoimmune disease at age 18.  Although it does not define me, it has a profound effect on my life every day.  It is my hope that through this blog I am able to inform on this disease, open up about the challenges it presents to me personally, and connect with other individuals who are affected by MS.

So there you have it! All of you wonderful readers will get to know me more through my writings and rants, and I hope to get to know you, as well. Follow (you can also Follow my blog with Bloglovin) and share if you would like, and certainly enjoy and connect as much as possible!