Sunday, October 20, 2013

Watch This Show

I rarely always have opinions on the latest educational books television shows. For while, I have heard that "Orange is the New Black" is "the greatest show ever."
People, this is not a lie.  It really IS the greatest show ever.  Now I know I say this very thing about almost every show on television.  Hell, for a while I claimed "Jersey Shore" was the greatest show ever.  I am ashamed and embarrassed that I ever stooped so low.  However, my television taste has significantly improved since my high school days, and I am confident in my statement that "Orange is the New Black" is where it's at.  Here's why:
  • I am a huge fan of the whole Netflix media movement. This show is only on Netflix, you can watch all the episodes, and it is just popular enough to have good conversation about it but not so popular that everybody, their mother, and grandmother all watch it (that would be Grey's Anatomy). 
  • The opening song is performed by Regina Spektor--one of my very favorites.  It's a beautiful song.  Check it out:
  • This show features women as the main characters (as it takes place at a women's correctional facility), and more shows need that.  Down with patriarchy! 
  • It is based on a true story.  Of course there are some changes for the purpose of the show, but the fact that it is based on a true story adds a whole new awesome element.  Click here to read the raddest post on how "real" this show is.
    Taylor Shilling, who plays Piper Chapman, with the real Piper Kerman
  • They are not afraid to tackle the topics that need to be addressed, but aren't:  drug abuse, suicide, LGBTQ issues, etc. all with maturity and honesty, yet still adding humor.
  • The cast.  I can't even handle the cast.  Namely Laura Prepon and Natasha Lyonne.  The whole cast is absolutely brilliant.  I love that there are so many characters and you get to know all of them.
  • The most important thing about the show is that it brings to light injustices in our criminal justice system.  It honestly addresses privileges and oppressions based on race, gender, socio-economic status, and sexual orientation.  It is extremely raw, and has important messages constantly.
I highly, HIGHLY recommend this show.  There is lots of strong language and some sexual material.  It's an honest show.  Don't watch it if you are offended by those things, but then again, how would you function in the world if you are too offended by those things? That's life!  
Have you seen this show?  Or are there any other shows that I absolutely should be watching?  My one regret with "Orange is the New Black" is that I didn't start watching it sooner, so if you have recommendations, lay 'em on me! 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

I went a little Monica Gellar crazy last weekend...

I love "Friends," and the quirks I have that resemble Monica scare me, for she can be neurotically crazy, yet they warm my heart, for I always live in a really freaking clean apartment.  But last weekend, I did something extreme.  In two days, I completely redid my entire apartment, almost entirely by myself.  I mean I really flipped the thing around.  Here are some pictures if you would like to check it out:
I put together this vacuum all by myself.  With a screwdriver.  Accomplishment #1.
I proceeded to use the vacuum cleaner through the whole house accompanied by pet fresh. Linus could be a model.
 I proceeded to fix the chairs that have been broken since the first time we put them together--a year ago...
...and I had to use the toolbox to do it.  It is weird, I know, but with every successful, tiny repair I made, I felt a little more confident about who I am and my place in the world.
 I think Lucy likes the new bed spread!
 I even made new Arizona tea lanterns--a task I was never trusted with because the combination of my clumsiness and the use of a knife was thought to be lethal.  Probably accurate, but I did it! 
 Loving the table by the window...
 ...but not as much as I adore our new houseplants.  To fill my heart with another thing to take care of rather than adopting another dog, these plants are just perfect. 
 The most adorable little leash-hangers the world has ever seen.
 Check out the glorious new rug.  Oh, and that nice, new, flat screen TV my roommate and I just invested in.  Definitely the best decision of the weekend.
There you have it! I would like to thank IKEA for allowing me to blow lots of money and tricking me into thinking I'm shopping smart because things are so cheap.  I would like to thank my mother for shopping with me and not judging me for spending an entire paycheck on apartment decor. I would like to thank my roommate, David, for letting me loudly clean until 4 a.m. and helping me with the living room.  
I think the apartment flip was much-needed.  It makes my apartment feel a little more like home, after it felt like just a place to crash for a while there.  A little fact about me? I'm obsessed with cute apartments.  I can't wait until our lease is up and I can find another cute place in the city.  I really can't wait to move to London and find an adorable little flat.  I love feeling at home, and I like having a place where I can run around and dance in my underwear and nobody will judge me.

Friday, October 18, 2013


It's a human thing.  Why is it so damn hard for us to admit that we are sad, or having a hard time, or breathing heavier than usual?  If you complain too much on social media, you are considered annoying.  If you only post pictures about your happy life and perfect relationship, you are considered superficial.  So here I am, trying to break those extremes with some honesty.
Since returning from my almost dream-like trip to India, I have been a bit of an emotional mess.  The past few days weeks have been some of the most difficult I can remember.  I have been made painfully aware of my flaws--to the point where I let them become my identity.  I feel like I have spent 43,829 minutes worrying and over analyzing things over the last month.  That's a lot--considering it is literally every minute.   
"They" say that everyone experiences heartbreak--everyone goes through a time in their life where they feel totally lost. Well "they" are full of shit because nothing "they" could have said could prepare me for it.  So that's my honesty piece.
But here is the beauty in it all--the silver lining, if you will, or perhaps just a happy perspective:
It is all okay.  So much of life seems to be about the perspective we have on it.  So right now, my perspective is that these dark days and heavy feelings will serve a purpose.  I have never really spent this much time with myself, and let me tell you, it is perhaps the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.  It is the worst because I am confronted face-to-face with my every insecurity, every flaw, and every bit of self-doubt.  And truthfully, that gets lonely.  That is not to say I don't have wonderful friends and family in my life, because I do--this has just been the most me I have ever had to handle.  But already, this has been absolutely essential in my life journey.  These days will help me strengthen my independence, and help me to rekindle my passion for life.  They will help me to rediscover me.
So who am I? Well, right now I am not really sure how to answer that question.  The other day, I had the intense urge to jump on a plane to anywhere (let's be real, that is an every day thought).  But the then I had the thought that being a fire-fighter would be pretty cool.  Then I thought trading lives with my dog would be the most stellar thing in the world. Point is, for the first time, this obsessive planner and big dreamer doesn't know what the future holds.  For the first time, I am actually living in the moment, day-to-day.  And that is okay for now.  I am working on myself, from the inside out.  Right now, I know that I want to make a difference in the world (I don't know how).  I want to treat everyone with kindness (sometimes I fail).  I enjoy reading comedian's memoirs (I envy their natural ability to make clever jokes).  Running, oddly enough, makes me extremely happy (I'm really slow).  There's more, but that is a pretty good summary of what I have.  But right now, it is what I need.
I will take this time for me.  But I will be back with the firey passion, loud opinions, failed attempts at ridiculous jokes, and crazy dreams in no time.