Saturday, October 19, 2013

I went a little Monica Gellar crazy last weekend...

I love "Friends," and the quirks I have that resemble Monica scare me, for she can be neurotically crazy, yet they warm my heart, for I always live in a really freaking clean apartment.  But last weekend, I did something extreme.  In two days, I completely redid my entire apartment, almost entirely by myself.  I mean I really flipped the thing around.  Here are some pictures if you would like to check it out:
I put together this vacuum all by myself.  With a screwdriver.  Accomplishment #1.
I proceeded to use the vacuum cleaner through the whole house accompanied by pet fresh. Linus could be a model.
 I proceeded to fix the chairs that have been broken since the first time we put them together--a year ago...
...and I had to use the toolbox to do it.  It is weird, I know, but with every successful, tiny repair I made, I felt a little more confident about who I am and my place in the world.
 I think Lucy likes the new bed spread!
 I even made new Arizona tea lanterns--a task I was never trusted with because the combination of my clumsiness and the use of a knife was thought to be lethal.  Probably accurate, but I did it! 
 Loving the table by the window...
 ...but not as much as I adore our new houseplants.  To fill my heart with another thing to take care of rather than adopting another dog, these plants are just perfect. 
 The most adorable little leash-hangers the world has ever seen.
 Check out the glorious new rug.  Oh, and that nice, new, flat screen TV my roommate and I just invested in.  Definitely the best decision of the weekend.
There you have it! I would like to thank IKEA for allowing me to blow lots of money and tricking me into thinking I'm shopping smart because things are so cheap.  I would like to thank my mother for shopping with me and not judging me for spending an entire paycheck on apartment decor. I would like to thank my roommate, David, for letting me loudly clean until 4 a.m. and helping me with the living room.  
I think the apartment flip was much-needed.  It makes my apartment feel a little more like home, after it felt like just a place to crash for a while there.  A little fact about me? I'm obsessed with cute apartments.  I can't wait until our lease is up and I can find another cute place in the city.  I really can't wait to move to London and find an adorable little flat.  I love feeling at home, and I like having a place where I can run around and dance in my underwear and nobody will judge me.

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